Let me share a story with you, true story. When my first child was born, the first sickness he got is pro-long jaundice. What? Pro-Long? Yes, due to umbilical cord infection. Normally jaundice will only occur for 5 to 10 days depends on the individual. Later, after 4 months, my son got pneumonia. Due to my staying place was in rural area, i have no choice but to send him to a specialist which is very far from my house ( long story, will share next time ) . And thank god, everything was fine, but one thing which worried my wife and I was "finance". Seeing a specialist nowadays will cause a lot, especially in Malaysia.

After we realized about it, quickly we bought insurance with medical card. Well, i am not trying to promote any insurance company, but i would advice all young parents to consider to find a package that suit our needs. During my time, buying insurance was not a trend and not as popular as in the western country. And even worst compared to my father's time. So, after few months we bought the medical card, my son was in emergency again. This time, is like "PHEWWWWW" , we paid everything using our medical card. It really save us a lot.
Most of the time, we can't really predict what will happen to our child. But normally baby or infant are easily to get infected with all kind of virus or bacteria. That's why, it will be good if we can have a medical card for them. At least we can provide the best medical care, and most importantly , affordable. Perhaps some of you might say, " Don't worry, we can send to government hospital." "WHAT, government hospital?" Well, i think everyone knows, i don't need to comment much about it, right? So, hopefully we can always make a right choice for our beloved children. For those who are expecting, is the time to find the right package ! Good day .....
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