When my son was roughly 2 years old, something happened. My mother was complaining to me about some kitchen work, my son is demanding by crying out loud and my wife is requesting something from me. Everything just came simultaneously. What should i do? Previously, i always try to let go everything, trying not to get involve. I am a person who don't like to confront with people even with my immediate family. Then, I realised i need do something about it.
I told my mother, dont worry, i will talk to you after solving problems with my kid, now let us prepare for lunch. I told my wife, let me think and consider, i will tell you before sleep ( you know, normally discussion between husband and wife during bedtime is quite good, hehe ). And lastly, with a firm face, i told my son, be quiet and I will not let you have this now as now is eating time. Stop whatever you are doing and prepare for lunch. Wow....seems like suddenly everyone is listening to me and followed what i said.
From that moment, for the first time i felt like " I am the KING". Later, whatever problems and issued came in, i will do my best to arrange and decide everything. In fact, my words will be the final say, everyone in my family will follow. In one family, either small or big size, is very important to have only one decision maker. King's policy, perhaps some of you might think that I want to control everything, but is an important to have one person to decide everything. It will create peaceful environment and solve most of the problem. Be firm and confidence with your decision.
( my appology to my wife and mother for using you all as an example...hope you don't mind . for those who know my mother, please don' t tell her...hehe)
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