Long time ago, i asked one of my friend, " Do you like to become a teacher?" , and she replied, " No, i don't like to teach, no patient !". Yes, she was right. Today's teachers are not like yesterday's. It required not only commitment and patient, but creative and innovative. With the advancement of technology from time to time, it created a lot of influences. One of it is the social networking which had a lot of impact to the youngster nowadays, including myself.
And few weeks ago, i asked my same friend again. "Now you have your kids, do you teach them everyday?" And she said, " Of course lah. If i don't teach, who else? Bo Pian !!!! ( no choice )." Yes, she is right again. Being a teacher, we need a lot of patient but teaching our own children, we need even more patient, commitment and sacrifice. Even if we need to repeat the same advice everyday, we should do so because they are our children. We need to guide them to follow the right track. That's the SPIRIT of being a parent. Being parents, we need more creative idea to educate our children. Honestly, i learnt a lot from my wife. She is the one who always come out with creative idea to satisfy and educate our children. Really thankful to my wife.
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