When my son was born in 2004, i have one challenge. Who is going to look after him? My wife needs to work and i am still staying in Sarawak. We were worried to let our first baby taken care by nanny. At last, i decided to import my mother. Thank goodness, she really helped us a lot. At least, she is someone we can rest assure. Really appreciate.
However, after some time, i found a few things about my mother, my son's grandma.
1. Pampering

Because my mother has been long time didn't approach a baby, furthermore, her grandson, for sure she will give 100% caring to the baby. What's wrong with that? Well, what happened if over pampered? I think most of you will know what I am going to say. Whenever baby is crying, she will be the first one to respond. The louder he cried, the faster she will respond. Some people said, cry on baby mouth, pain in grandma's heart.
2. Slow to grow
What, slow to grow up? This is not what i mean. There is one case i would like to share. I still can remember when my son was in a process to learn how to walk, his grandma will be always protecting him. Too afraid for him to fall down. For safety reason, she was doing the right thing. But for learning aspect, i would say she is slowing down the process. At the end, no matter where my son planning to move, there will be a natural automatic protective fence (
using hand to block all the way ). At last, my son still be able to walk, but it took almost 14 months.
3. Conflict of decision
In a family, father always play an important part. However, what will happen when there is a mother of a father appear? There will be an issue between decision and respect. Yes, we must always respect our parents. Sometimes i do listen to what she said or advice. However, in some cases, we really must make a wise decision where we will not hurt both parties, especially between mother and wife. Well, i can't say much, for those who need advice, please contact me secretly...hehe.
So, for those who asking help from your own parents in taking care our children and staying together with us, do consider all the effects i mentioned. And there are more which i will share again next time. Anyway, i am glad that my mother have been helping me all this while. Really appreciate. I love you mother ! ! !